YEP 2024

YEP, a program led by experienced Swamins and Brahmacharins of Chinmaya Mission, is intentionally designed for CHYKs. Its objectives encompass gaining a profound understanding of Vedanta and basic Sanskrit, fostering devotion and spirituality, participating in dynamic workshops, team-building activities, and dedicating time to deep reflection, facilitating a transformative journey towards spiritual growth. Today, youth worldwide wield power to enact change with vision, skills, and compassion. In nations with significant youth populations, they are a vital workforce. The YEP program’s 15-year success highlights its enduring value and global significance, transforming young individuals.

DATES: June 10 – July 19, 2024 (6 weeks)

ELIGIBILITY: Ages 18 – 28

LOCATION: Chinmaya Mangalam (Barry, Texas)

EXTENDED DEADLINE: May 28th, 2024 *or until program spots are filled

COST: $2000



Vision of YEP

The Youth Empowerment Program (YEP) germinated from the glorious vision of Pujya Gurudev, Swami Chinmayananda. Gurudev believed that youth had innate dynamism, energy, enthusiasm and a sense of adventure. However, these qualities were often misunderstood, not channeled properly, or underutilized. An oft-quoted saying of Gurudev’s is “Youth are not useless, they are used less.”

In accordance with this vision, YEP is a youth leadership program based on values and service. The youth are our nation’s greatest source of “renewable energy.” They have the power to bring about much needed change especially when equipped with the right vision, essential life skills, and a sense of compassion.

YEP Schedule

The YEP program builds self-discipline through an intensive and well-balanced routine. There will be a combination of rigorous study, interactive & experiential learning activities, project work, and self-reflection. Here is the daily schedule for YEP 2024:

YEP Curriculum

The YEP syllabus is carefully designed to provide a foundation in core concepts of Vedantic philosophy as as well as to teach practices that CHYKs can use to cultivate a strong, devotional, and beautiful mind. Texts and chanting that are taught include:

Life After YEP

Following the YEP program, each Yuvaveer (YEP graduate) will serve in an assigned Chinmaya Mission center for a period of 10 months. They will be guided by a Swami or teacher of Chinmaya Mission, as well as by other Yuvaveers, to organize and lead youth-related activities of the center, such as classes for children and youth, personal development workshops, and/or retreats. Yuvaveers use the skills they’ve gained through the program to volunteer alongside pursuing their careers or studies.

Some examples of how Yuvaveers can serve:

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